Coffee Luwak , Wild Civet Coffee Origin, Kopi-Luwak From Indonesia Origin
Sabtu, 20 Juli 2019
Rabu, 17 Juli 2019
Sabtu, 31 Maret 2018
Coffee Luwak , Coffee Arabica Specialty Wezel Products
Wild Luwak Coffee Arabica Gayo Origin
Tip of the Day
"Ritual Ngopi Sehat Coffee Luwak Wezel".
Banyak orang akan
merasa “jijik” meminum Kopi-Luwak , tetapi itu tidak mengubah fakta bahwa Kopi
Luwak adalah kopi produksi Indonesia yang paling popular dan termahal di dunia.
Dalam penelitian dilaboratorium , para ahli membuktikan bahwa biji kopi luwak
tidak terkontaminasi oleh bacteria dan kotoran luwak ketika terjadi
“Natural-Fermentasi” buah-kopi didalam lambung hewan-Luwak. Karena biji kopi
terlindungi oleh Cangkang/Kulit biji kopi , di tambah lagi dalam process
Roasting ( Pengosengan Biji Kopi ) di atas suhu 180C , membuat kopi ini bebas
dari barcteria dan Jamur parasit pembawa penyakit . ( Food Of Halal –
Fatwa MUI-No.07/2010), menjadikan Kopi-Luwak aman dan halal untuk dikonsumsi .
Keunikan lainnya bahwa
: “Hewan Luwak hanya memilih buah kopi berry yang sudah Matang , Segar dan
“Bebas Pestisida “ , biji kopi yang yang dimakan oleh Luwak akan
mengeluarkannya esok paginya. Kemudian, petani kopi mengumpulkan biji-Kopi
tersebut lalu ,dicuci dengan benar dan biarkan di bawah sinar matahari untuk
dikeringkan. ( Hal ini yang menyebabkan , biji kopi yang dihasilkan oleh
Hewan-Luwak , adalah jenis biji-kopi yang terbaik yang akan menghasilkan cita
rasa kopi yang special di bandingkan dengan Kopi umumnya )
Ini diikuti dengan cara
pengolahan yang tepat dan benar & Lab.Qulity Test dan Cita rasa ,
menjadikan “ Biji-Kopi Luwak menghasilkan produk Kopi yang sangat populer
karena “Aroma dan Cita-Rasanya”, yang berbeda dan rasa Special dibandingkan dengan
jenis kopi manapun yang ada di Planet Bumi . Kopi Luwak hanya ditemukan di
Indonesia , ada tiga hingga empat tempat, yaitu, Jawa, Gayo, Mandailing dan
Bali dan daerah lain di Pulau Sumatera di mana Anda akan dapat menemukan kopi
spesial ini.
“Sekarang, anda pasti
berpikir siapa yang minum kopi ini. , Oprah Winfrey adalah penggemar Kopi-Luwak
Indonesia dalam 'The Oprah Winfrey Show'. Bahkan super Star bintang film Jack
Nicholson dan Morgan Freeman sangat menyukai kopi ini dalam film terkenal
bernama ‘The Bucket List ’. Ada jutaan lagi penggemar kopi di seluruh dunia yang
menyukai Kopi Luwak Indonesia origin ini. ” Mereka semua telah menemukan
rasa dan aroma yang berbeda dari semua jenis kopi lainnya, dan ini mungkin
alasan mengapa menjadikan harga Kopi Luwak in lebih tinggi di bandingkan dengan
jenis kopi specialty terbaik dunia lainnya.
Para Ahli telah
melakukan percobaan dan penelitian yang di publikasikan dalam Jurnal kesehatan
, menemukan bahwa Kopi Luwak bermanfaat bagi kesehatan manusia. Tambahan lagi
kadar Cafein dan Asam dalam Kopi-Luwak lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan jenis
kopi lainnya ( Lebih-Smooth), tidak menyebabkan masalah dalam lambung, .Mari
kita lihat manfaat kesehatan Kopi Luwak tersebut secara detail berdasarkan
penelitian para ahli :
• Kopi Luwak dapat
melindungi gigi. Ini sulit dipercaya, tetapi Kopi Luwak melindungi gigi dari
bakteri yang menyebabkan gigi berlubang. Ini adalah persepsi umum yang keliru
bahwa orang-orang yang minum terlalu banyak kopi memiliki gigi yang kekuningan,
tetapi kopi ini melakukan kebalikannya. Mengkonsumsi Kopi Luwak juga akan
mencegah kemungkinan terkena kanker mulut.
• Sebuah situs web
terkenal bernama 'The Journal of Nutrition' telah menerbitkan bahwa kopi luwak
dapat mencegah kanker payudara juga. Tiga cangkir sehari kopi ini dapat
mengurangi kemungkinan kanker payudara, terutama bagi wanita yang sedang
mendekati menopause.
• Kanker kulit juga
bisa dicegah dengan konsumsi 2 cangkir Kopi Luwak. Ada unsur-unsur tertentu
dalam kopi ini yang melindungi kulit dari sinar UV yang berbahaya dari
• Kopi Luwak juga
berguna untuk pasien diabetes ( Menurunkan kadar glucose dalam darah ) , maka
biasakan mengonsumsi 2-3 cangkir Kopi Luwak setiap hari.
• Kopi Luwak mengandung
kafein dan sejumlah antioksidan, yang membantu mencegah penyakit saraf, bahkan
Parkinson dan Al-Zheimer . Salah satu alasan utama untuk penyakit saraf adalah
peradangan di otak. Tapi, kopi luwak dapat menghambat peradangan pada otak ,
jadi mulailah minum kopi untuk mencegah masalah ini.
• Masalah batu empedu
telah menjadi umum hari ini. Ketika kristal kolesterol terperangkap di dalam
kantong empedu, maka dapat menyebabkan pembentukan batu empedu. Masalah ini
dapat diatasi dengan mengkonsumsi minuman kaya kafein, karena kafein memiliki
zat anti-lengket, yang tidak akan memungkinkan kristal lendir mengendap di
empedu. Jadi, 2-3 cangkir Kopi Luwak setiap hari akan memastikan bahwa Anda
mengurangi resiko masalah batu empedu.
• 100% Organik &
Tanpa Pestisida, produk Wezel –Coffee Luwak .adalah asli kopi luwak Origin
Indonesa, Kami menanam kopi secara organik , tidak menggunakan pupuk kimia dan
Pestisida saat menanam dan pemeliharaan pohon kopi terutama untuk Cofee-Luwak,
karena Hewan Luwak tidak akan memakan buah kopi berry yang tekontaminasi / mengandung
pestisida, kami memproduksi kopi dengan menggunakan pupuk organic ( Organic Certificate
Coffee Plantation ).
Menurut pendapat saya,
kita harus berterima kasih kepada hewan 'Luwak' , melestarikan dan
melindungi-Nya , karena menghasilkan kopi terbaik yang nikmat dari Indonesia ,
disamping memiliki sejumlah manfaat kesehatan . Namun, ingatlah bahwa Anda
tidak mengonsumsi kopi ini secara berlebihan dan sangat diajurkan ,untuk
menhindari penggunaan kandungan gula berlebihan dan campuran food-additive yang
mengandung kadar lemak tinggi kedalam minuman kopi anda..
Selamat menikmati “Ritual Minum Kopi Luwak Indonesia yang Sehat “ di rumah anda.
Best Regards
Helley Fauzi
Jl. Mampang Prapatan 4 ,No:48
Tegal Parang - Jakarta Selatan
Jakarta - 12790 - INDONESIA
Phone Contact : +62 8161882594 or +62 816999638
Email :
Jl. Mampang Prapatan 4 ,No:48
Tegal Parang - Jakarta Selatan
Jakarta - 12790 - INDONESIA
Phone Contact : +62 8161882594 or +62 816999638
Email :
Web-Sites :
Youtube :
Indonesian Palm Civets at Our Coffee Orchards |
Organic and Coffee Origin Certificates. |
Wezel Coffee Cupping Test Quality by License SCAA Q Grader
Rabu, 12 Juni 2013
Kopi Arabica Organic Gayo , Wild Civet Coffee from Gayo's Mountain , Coffee Luwak Toraja ,Coffee Arabica Toraja
The Best Wild Coffee Luwak Arabica Gayo Mountain & Indonsian Coffee Origin:
# Wild Kopi Luwak Arabica Gayo Origin
#Wild Kopi Luwak Arabica Toraja Origin
Export for Korea & Hongkong Markets :
Export Wild Coffee Luwak Origin To USA Markets:
Export Wild Coffee Luwak China & Japan Markets :
Export Wild Coffee Luwak Origin to Poland and Spain Markets:
Export Wild Coffee Luwak Origin to Bulgaria ,Taiwan and Germany Markets:
Wild Civet Coffee Arabica Gayo Organic Certification & Laboratory Test Result :
on 16-20 October 2013
You would have "Cupping Score" by International License Q-Grader for the Quality Coffee's product Guarantee..!!!
Certificated of "Halal-Food's Coffee Products" for Wild Luwak & Arabica Organic Coffee Gayo Origin :
Coffee Luwak or Civets Coffee from Gayo's Mountain Is The most Expensive Coffee in The World :
Aceh Gayo Arabica coffee beans are commonly classified as one of the best premium coffee beans along with other well known origin such as Blue Mountain coffee, Brazilian and Ethiopian coffee. Harvested from different smallholding plantations from Gayo highland areas such as Central Aceh, Bener Meriah and Gayo Lues , Aceh Gayo coffee initially was introduced to the people of Central Aceh by Dutch colonialists. Aceh Gayo coffee's very unique flavor made it broke the dominance of South American coffee smoothly. The finest aroma and low acidity makes Aceh Gayo coffee as one of the most highly sought after coffee commodity in the world nowadays. What makes Aceh Gayo coffee extra special is the facts that this type of coffee can not be obtained from any other parts of the world due to the distinctive type of soil in the highlands of Gayo, the climate and the right altitude of 1,400 meter above the sea level. The other X-Factor possessed by Aceh Gayo coffee which makes it highly wanted by coffee exporters is because almost 90% of coffee growers in Central Aceh maintain organic plantations and only few of them use chemical fertilizer to keep the high standard of price and characteristics of Aceh Gayo coffee as known by coffee connoisseurs all over the world. Currently Civets Coffee / Coffee Luwak organic from Gayo's Mountain is cost for about USD 300 /EUR 250 per Kg in USA and Europe.
Aceh Gayo Arabica coffee beans are commonly classified as one of the best premium coffee beans along with other well known origin such as Blue Mountain coffee, Brazilian and Ethiopian coffee. Harvested from different smallholding plantations from Gayo highland areas such as Central Aceh, Bener Meriah and Gayo Lues , Aceh Gayo coffee initially was introduced to the people of Central Aceh by Dutch colonialists. Aceh Gayo coffee's very unique flavor made it broke the dominance of South American coffee smoothly. The finest aroma and low acidity makes Aceh Gayo coffee as one of the most highly sought after coffee commodity in the world nowadays. What makes Aceh Gayo coffee extra special is the facts that this type of coffee can not be obtained from any other parts of the world due to the distinctive type of soil in the highlands of Gayo, the climate and the right altitude of 1,400 meter above the sea level. The other X-Factor possessed by Aceh Gayo coffee which makes it highly wanted by coffee exporters is because almost 90% of coffee growers in Central Aceh maintain organic plantations and only few of them use chemical fertilizer to keep the high standard of price and characteristics of Aceh Gayo coffee as known by coffee connoisseurs all over the world. Currently Civets Coffee / Coffee Luwak organic from Gayo's Mountain is cost for about USD 300 /EUR 250 per Kg in USA and Europe.
We are a group of
organic traditional farmers – located in Gayo Mountains, Central Aceh, Mandailing-North Sumatra ,Toraja-Sulawesi Island, West Java and Kintamani-Bali Island.
Our Coffee's plantation area is approximately 10-20 hectares of Arabica coffee types on elevation : 1200-1500 meters above sea level , our production volumes for the type of - Kopi Luwak Premium / Wild Civets Arabican Coffee -organic : 200-250 kgs and 10-30 Tons Organic Coffee Arabica Gayo Origin per month. Our coffee products are certified by the Association of Indonesian Coffee Exporter, Directorate General of Food and Drug Supervision Indonesia, and Certificated from the Indonesian Institute of Halal products. Advantages of Wild Luwak coffee compared to other types, is natural Enzymatic coffee process in the body of the animal Civet will reduce levels of caffeine in coffee arabica, and the acidity of the coffee grounds, so that in addition to the aroma and taste of this coffee will taste better, civet coffee does not cause irritation to the Gastric coffee lovers.
Our Coffee's plantation area is approximately 10-20 hectares of Arabica coffee types on elevation : 1200-1500 meters above sea level , our production volumes for the type of - Kopi Luwak Premium / Wild Civets Arabican Coffee -organic : 200-250 kgs and 10-30 Tons Organic Coffee Arabica Gayo Origin per month. Our coffee products are certified by the Association of Indonesian Coffee Exporter, Directorate General of Food and Drug Supervision Indonesia, and Certificated from the Indonesian Institute of Halal products. Advantages of Wild Luwak coffee compared to other types, is natural Enzymatic coffee process in the body of the animal Civet will reduce levels of caffeine in coffee arabica, and the acidity of the coffee grounds, so that in addition to the aroma and taste of this coffee will taste better, civet coffee does not cause irritation to the Gastric coffee lovers.
We sell for retailers and
Exporters Kopi Luwak / Certified &
Best Quality of Arabica Wild Civet Coffee from Gayo Mountain :
1.Green Beans ,Coffee Luwak (Civet Coffee): USD 55 /KG2.Roasted Beans Coffee Luwak (Civet Coffee): USD: 65 / KG
3.Powder/Ground,Coffee Luwak (Civet Coffee): USD:65 /KG.
We are also very welcome you and we are able to provide you a guide of Tour Visit for an Exporters and Foreign Importers of Wild Civets Arabica Coffee who would like to come and see our orchards and processing of our organic wild civets arabica coffee at Gayo's Highland – Tankengon , Sumatra – Indonesia.
We could deliver the Original of Gayo Mountain Wild Civets / Luwaks Coffee overseas for a minimum weight order of 1 Kg .
We're the reliable source of Original Wild Civets Arabica Coffee Gayo Highland Exporters with Money Back Guarantee...!!!
Best Regards
Helley Fauzi
Jl. Mampang Prapatan 4 ,No:48
Tegal Parang - Jakarta Selatan
Jakarta - 12790 - INDONESIA
Phone Contact : +62 8161882594 or +62 816999638
Email :
Civet coffee
is ready-to-drink coffee produced as a result of civet digesting process. By
definition, any type of coffee (Arabica, Jamaican, Brazilian, etc.) which is
processed by civet digesting is a civet coffee. Civet is a small mammal
inhabits the deep forest. In Indonesia, they inhabit the deep forest and coffee
plantation of Sumatera (mostly in Aceh
province) and North Sumatra provinces. This mammal is the best animal of
coffee fruits selector. They know very well which ripe coffee fruits are ready
to eat.
Jl. Mampang Prapatan 4 ,No:48
Tegal Parang - Jakarta Selatan
Jakarta - 12790 - INDONESIA
Phone Contact : +62 8161882594 or +62 816999638
Email :
The Certificate of "Wild Civets Arabica Coffee Organic & Fair Trade Gayo Highland " - Authenticity & Original Protection & Export Coffee License :
Exporter Coffee Indonesia License |
Origin Wild Civet Coffee Arabica from Highland Forest of Gayo
Marcone, coffee researcher of Guelph University of Canada, in his journal
published by Food Research International, civet digestion automatically lower
level of protein so that the taste is very unique and not found in other coffee
processing. This unique taste comes from civet digesting in which a chemical and
natural fermentation processing is performed by enzymes and bacteria inside
civet digestion. This process also lower caffeine and acid level sharply so
that even you can drink 5 glasses or more a day without any health problem. The
powder is soft and has cocoa or caramel like taste. One of the best coffee in
the world, he said. He focuses his research about civet coffee in Indonesia.
According to medical research and lab work coffee actually has many
health benefits. From now on, your morning coffee cup will not just be consumed
to wake you up and energize you. But you might want to consider drinking Kopi
Luwak to stay healthy.
Cancer: Harvard Medical
School Health Publications studies have shown that those who drink coffee
are 50 percent less likely to suffer from cancer. These studies were
specifically done on breast, rectal and colon cancers. Another study done by
the Journal of Nutrition confirmed that women who consume 4 cups of
coffee a day decreased the risk of breast cancer by 38 percent.
Diabetes: Luwak coffee is also
effective for type 2 Diabetes. Of course, if you consume coffee with a a high
amount of sugar and creamer then the blend would be counterproductive. Kopi
Luwak coffee may help those suffering with diabetes by 50% if you drink up to 4
cups a day. Article was published by Journal of Agricultural and Food
Chemistry in 2012
· Parkinson’s: The American
Academy of Neurology in August 2012 released an article stating,
“Studies have shown that people who use caffeine are less likely to develop
Parkinson’s disease.”According to Ronald Postuma, MD After six weeks, the
half that took the caffeine supplements averaged a five-point improvement in
Parkinson’s severity ratings compared to those who didn’t consume caffeine.
· Gallstones: New results
from a large study showed that 25% lower risk of gallstones among women who
regularly drink 4 or more cups of coffee a day (compared to women who drink
none). This was Published in the December 2002 issue of the journal Gastroenterology,
comes from the famous Harvard Nurses’ Health Study, which has followed more
than 80,000 women for the last 20 years. An earlier study found that drinking
coffee lowers gallstone risk among men as well.
· Depression: Women who drink a
few cups of coffee have a lower risk of depression than women who don’t drink
any coffee, according to a Harvard study.
That research, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, shows that women who drink two to three cups of coffee a day have a 15 percent lower risk, while women who drink four or more cups of coffee a day have a 20 percent lower risk.
That research, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, shows that women who drink two to three cups of coffee a day have a 15 percent lower risk, while women who drink four or more cups of coffee a day have a 20 percent lower risk.
· Muscle pain: If you drink at
least two cups of coffee after a workout it can reduce post exercise muscle
pain by 48%. From the Journal of Pain, March 2007
effective weight loss tool , One clinical study published in the scientific
French review Phytothérapie demonstrated fat-reducing effects of a green
(non-roasted) coffee bean extract. One group of volunteers was given 400 mg of
a decaffeinated green coffee extract daily, and the second group received a
placebo. After 60 days of supplementation, participants who received the
green coffee extract had lost 5.7 percent of their initial weight. By
contrast, the group that received a placebo had lost 2.8 percent of their
initial weight. The compounds responsible for the weight-controlling effects of
coffee are antioxidants known collectively as the chlorogenic acids. These
acids appear to slow the production of glucose in the body after a meal, by
modifying the activity of certain enzymes in the liver. Additionally, the
chlorogenic acids cause a more slow and sustained release of glucose into the
body after eating, thereby reducing the production of new fat cells
Bloods Cholesterol. Two substances in coffee —
kahweol and cafestol — raise cholesterol levels. Paper filters capture these
substances, but that doesn’t help the many people who now drink non-filtered
coffee drinks, such as lattes.
Researchers have also found a link between cholesterol increases and
decaffeinated coffee, possibly because of the type of bean used to make certain
decaffeinated coffees.
Lower the risk of Prostate Cancer : Studies conducted at the Harvard Public School in Boston have revealed that daily consumption of six or more cups of coffee luwak helps you reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer by 60 percent
Lower the risk of Prostate Cancer : Studies conducted at the Harvard Public School in Boston have revealed that daily consumption of six or more cups of coffee luwak helps you reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer by 60 percent
· Coffee Luwak doesn't just keep you awake, it may
literally make you smarter as well.
The active ingredient in coffee is caffeine, which is a stimulant and the most
commonly consumed psychoactive substance in the world. Caffeine's primary
mechanism in the brain is blocking the effects of an inhibitory
neurotransmitter called Adenosine. By blocking the
inhibitory effects of Adenosine, caffeine actually increases neuronal firing in
the brain and the release of other neurotransmitters like dopamine and
norepinephrine (1, 2). Many controlled trials have examined the
effects of caffeine on the brain, demonstrating that caffeine can improve mood,
reaction time, memory, vigilance and general cognitive function.
Coffee Luwak
isn't just the best plavour coffee in the world . Many of the nutrients
in the coffee luwak beans do make it
into the final drink, which actually contains
a decent amount of vitamins and minerals. A cup of coffee luwak contains:
6% of the RDA for Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5).
11% of the RDA for Riboflavin (Vitamin B2).
2% of the RDA for Niacin (B3) and Thiamine (B1).
· 3% of
the RDA for Potassium and Manganese.
But this isn't all.
Coffee Luwak also contains a massive amount of antioxidants. In fact,The
major supernutrient present in coffee has over 1,000 compounds, many of which are
extremely potent antioxidant . But one thing for sure is, your coffee
habit is no longer an addition — it’s a healthy ritual. Insyaallah....
May 12 , 2012 New England Journal of Medicine published the single largest study EVER DONE on the health effects of coffee, which followed more than 402,000 coffee drinkers over a 13 year span.
NEJM’s research found that coffee consumption was directly linked to a decreased risk of death, specifically from heart disease, respiratory disease, stroke, injuries and accidents, diabetes and infections.
What’s more :” the risk of death significantly decreased as the number of cups per day increased. The table below breaks down the decreased risk of death per cup of coffee, with the sweet spot landing somewhere between 2-6 cups/day .
May 12 , 2012 New England Journal of Medicine published the single largest study EVER DONE on the health effects of coffee, which followed more than 402,000 coffee drinkers over a 13 year span.
NEJM’s research found that coffee consumption was directly linked to a decreased risk of death, specifically from heart disease, respiratory disease, stroke, injuries and accidents, diabetes and infections.
What’s more :” the risk of death significantly decreased as the number of cups per day increased. The table below breaks down the decreased risk of death per cup of coffee, with the sweet spot landing somewhere between 2-6 cups/day .
How Civet Coffee Protects Against a Spectrum of Diseases |
Over 1,000 compounds make up Coffee's Luwak complex phytochemistry. Their
documented protection against diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, cancer, and a
host of other chronic diseases may be due to an intricate web of chemically
induced actions along various biological pathways. Suspected mechanisms include:
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